Unleash Your Peak Potential: Learn Faster, Score Higher

Over 200.000 people use the best study skills and the power of AI.

Try our study magic for free

a PDF, study it super fast
  • No sign up, email or credit card needed!
  • AI makes unlimited flashcards
  • Get unlimited quizzes and tests
  • Ask AI anything
Create a notebook
  • No sign up, email or credit card needed!
  • Have and keep perfect overview
  • Make flashcards, notes and mind maps
  • Review, test and score!

Why over 200.000 students use StudySmart

Trustpilot widget score.

Features to improve your study skills

Icon of two flashcards in a row.

Optimize your note taking

Create the smartest flashcards, organized per chapter/page/topic.

An icon showing two hands shaking each other. It indicates that you can learn together with this system.

Study with friends

Create summaries together. Place comments and rate each other's flashcards.

Breaks are scheduled throughout while learning

Study break planning

Improve your concentration by taking breaks regularly.

Icon of a computer screen with a play sign on it. The computer plays videos that teach you how to learn.

32 learn to learn videos

You study for thousands of hours. Invest 1.5 hours in your efficiency!

Create mind maps with StudySmart.ai

Mind Map tool

Draw the most beautiful mind maps in seconds with a smartly integrated tool.

Your concentration is measured and the bell rings

Concentration timer

StudySmart helps maintain your focus during study sessions.

Icon of a thumbs up signifying that you will do your tests well if you live them with this system.

World class support

Contact us via email, phone or Whatsapp whenever you need help.

an icon of a filter that indicates that you learn to separate main from side issues with this system.

Comprehensive reading aid

Learn to skip up to 75% of the material and magnetize your brain for new info

Create the smartest flashcards, organized per chapter/page/topic.

Improve your concentration by taking breaks regularly.

Draw the most beautiful mind maps in seconds with a smartly integrated tool.

Contact us via email, phone or Whatsapp whenever you need help.

Create summaries together. Place comments and rate each other's flashcards.

You study for thousands of hours. Invest 1.5 hours in your efficiency!

StudySmart helps maintain your focus during study sessions.

Learn to skip up to 75% of the material and magnetize your brain for new info

More than 200,000 students preceded you

Why StudySmart works for you

With Our Study Tool
Traditional Study Method
Study time
2 hours per day
4+ hours per day
Automated & Concise
Manually & Time-consuming
Clear insight due to the structure
Challenging and difficult
Optimized & Focused
Often distracted & Unstructured
Memory retention
95% retention after a week
20% retention after a week
Stress level
Low (Thanks to structure)
High (Uncertainty over mastering material)
Test preparation
Confident & Well-prepared
Often last-minute & Uncertain
Achieve confidently
Uncertain and less high
Processing complex material
Simplified & Understandable
Struggling with complexity
Interaction with fellow students
Integrated collaboration functions
Limited to physical study groups
Feedback and improvement
Direct feedback & Recommendations
No direct feedback
Access to study materials
Always and everywhere accessible
Dependent on physical materials/notes
Motivation and progress
Clear goals & Reward system
Self-motivated without a reward structure

Access This Full Package of Products

  • Video workshop: effective studying (worth $ 99.95)
  • Study Tool (worth $ 19.95 / month)
  • e-Book on effective studying (worth $ 19.95)
  • Premium study coach support (worth $ 59.95/h)

More than

200.000 students online!

Monthly Subscription

$ 7.95 / month start now

Monthly payments for total flexibility. Cancel at any time.

Yearly Subscription

$ 4.95 / month start now

Pay $ 59.95 /year for your yearly subscription and receive a 37% discount!

Lifetime Subscription

$ 2.50 / month start now

Pay a one off fee of $ 149.95 for your lifetime subscription. That's just $2.50 /month if you have another 5 years in school or higher education.


During the first year, that is not possible. But with an extended yearly subscription, you can cancel in the middle. You will then pay the price of a monthly subscription for the months you had access to.

Yes, you can. However, any discounts usually do not apply.

Absolutely! The system works for anyone who needs to learn and remember study material.

You can learn all your study material in StudySmart. Many materials have already been studied by others, but if not, you can find them in the database or add them yourself.

Yes, you can create a parent-child account, make the payment, and monitor their progress via this link.

Yes, you can create your own account and send your parents a payment link via this link.
Line drawing of the side view of a girl looking at her phone. She is surrounded by learning materials.

Try StudySmart today

Discover how to learn smarter.

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